What is Birth Photography?
The bewildered looks we get when we
ask that question are often the first reactions
received. Some folks cannot fathom
sharing such intimate personal photos....
and others want to share
them with the world. There is no
right or wrong way.
It's all down to personal choices.
We are here to help
you put your fears & reservations to rest.
"Truth be told, I myself would not have been
comfortable back then with the thought of
anyone but the "baby catcher"
aka doc, midwife ...
hopefully not the taxi driver, lol to be
anywhere near my "nether regions"
while giving birth to my baby.
Despite my own reservations with those
"too close for comfort" aka
"get out of my breathing space" photo ops .
I would have absolutely wanted those"
Holy crap, I did it" photos!!
I would have also loved to have a picture
of my hubby sliding down the wall
when he suddenly realized fatherhood was
indeed a very real reality...
3 months early, lol.
I wasn't a fan at the time but now that
he has gone home to heaven,
I would have loved to have those pictures
today. Photos tell our stories.
They bring us comfort when we are sad,
great joy as we
remember,re-live, & re-tell our pivotal,
big & little life story moments.
We fully understand comfort levels &
not wanting Aunt Jean showing your crowning
pics to the ladies at the church hall.
We are here to make your birth experience
beautiful for you.
We are here to capture the time of the birth
on the wall,the look on big sister's face,
the loving & not so loving moments between
Mama & partner
( the kind the will make you laugh in
years to come),
the amazing moment baby is grabbing onto
the doctor's finger
on their entrance earth-side...
Thank you for this honour.
We will take great care telling your story
Need photos for someone or
something special?

Sample of Photography for sale